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Judges FAQS

Q: Who can be a judge?
A: Anyone can apply to be a judge. Judges must read and agree to the Process, Rules, and Regulations. The only exception is that Publishers and employees of publishers are prohibited from applying.

Q: Do I have to go to training?
A: Yes, training (live or video) is mandatory.

Q: Why can't I tell people I'm a judge?
A: To preserve confidentiality and objectivity. You may disclose you were a judge AFTER the awards ceremony.

Q: Why are you telling people I’m a judge?
A: We will list judges in alphabetical order after the awards ceremony, without category assignments. You have the option to opt-out of this listing.

Q: When do I have to start reading?
A: After completing training, you will have access to books as soon as they are approved for nomination.

Q: I have a business trip in November, a work deadline in December, and a vacation in March.
A: You are free to manage your own reading schedule. However, we suggest that you start reading as soon as you are given access to your reading list.  This will allow you to complete your reading assignments in a timely fashion and will not put you up against the deadline of April 15, 2025.

Q: I don't like one of the books in my category. Do I have to finish it?
A: Yes, it is your commitment as a judge to read all books in your category completely. Please score the book accordingly.

Q: Should I read all books before entering the scores?
A: You should score the books as you read them as they are to be scored individually.  They should not be scored against each other.  

Q: I can't find my books in the system.
A: Please contact the Awards Administrators at awards@goldencrown.org to check your access.

Q: I don't know how to answer the questions on the evaluation forms.
A: Please refer to the training materials provided during training. For specific questions, please contact the Awards Administrators at awards@goldencrown.org.

Q: I can’t open this eBook file.
A: Please contact the Awards Administrators at awards@goldencrown.org. We will contact the nominator to obtain a working copy.

Q: The formatting of this eBook is so poor that I can’t read it.
A: Please contact the Awards Administrators at awards@goldencrown.org. We will contact the nominator to obtain a working copy.

Q: I have a Kindle. Will it work?
A: Yes, eBooks will be in .epub or .pdf, which is readable by a Kindle.

Q: I have an iPhone or an iPad. Will it work?
A: Yes, eBooks will be in .epub format, which can be used in iBooks.

Q: I like to read on my computer, will it work?
A: Yes, you can download the .pdf version of the book and read it easily on your computer.

Q: How do I get eBooks onto my device?
A: We have attached some instructions on how to add eBooks to eReaders.
Adding eBooks

Q: I don't want eBooks; I prefer the feel of physical books.
A: Nominations are in eBook format. It is one of the requirements as a judge that you can read eBooks.

Q: I get to keep the books? Free of charge?
A: Yes. However, you are prohibited from copying, selling, or sharing the books online.

Q: I found out that I was a beta reader for one of the books in my category.
A: Please contact the Awards Administrators at awards@goldencrown.org as soon as possible.

Q: One of my own books was nominated!
A: You may not judge books in the category your book was nominated for. However, you may continue to judge in another category. Please contact the Awards Administrators at awards@goldencrown.org if you have been assigned to a category where your book was nominated.

Q: I can't be a judge anymore; I'm too busy.
A: Once the judging process has begun, judges may not withdraw except in an emergency that has been discussed with the Awards Administrators or if an unexpected conflict of interest occurs.

Q: How many books will I be expected to read?
We have no way of knowing exactly how many books will be expected for each category. The nominations start in September and end January 7th, with judging happening during that time frame. Our process is to allow judges the chance to start the readings right away, so books could continue to be added to a category until the deadline closes. To give you an idea, refer to the chart below for the 2024 nomination totals per category:

Please keep in mind this does not reflect what will be nominated this year. This is to give you a general idea and allow you to plan accordingly when selecting your preferred categories.

Q: I was a judge this year. Do I get a discount for the conference?
A: Unfortunately, no.

Q: I was a judge this year. Do I get to be an award presenter?
A: The process for selecting award presenters is different from the judging process.
