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To help ensure that our judges have enough time to thoroughly read - and fairly judge - each book,  a "tiered" deadline calendar has been implemented.  The nomination due date will be determined by the publication date. The 2024 deadlines are:



The nomination timeline will be as follows (all dates are between January 1, 2024 - January 21, 2025):


Tee Corinne Nominations:

The nomination timeline will be as follows:

Finalists will be announced on the website in early May 2025 as each category is tallied and finalized.  Finalists will also be notified via email.

*Book cover images are due at the time of nomination.


Tee Corinne Award for Outstanding Cover Design

  • Book covers must be entered in a specific judged genre category (e.g., Contemporary Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Historical Fiction) to be eligible.

  • Nominations must be received NO LATER THAN December 31, 2024

  • Fees paid by credit card or Paypal are due at the time of nomination.  Fees made by check must be received NO LATER THAN January 15, 2025

*Winners for all other awards will be announced at the 2025 GCLS Awards Ceremony In Albany, NY. on July 20th. 

**Please note: Books are judged against detailed criteria, not against each other.  Thus, a book read and judged in November will be evaluated against the same criteria as a book read and judged in March.

**If you have any questions or concerns about meeting a deadline, please reach out to the Awards Administrators as soon as possible.
