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2025 Golden Crown Literary Awards

Nominations for the 2025 GCLS Literary Awards (also known as The Goldies) are OPEN. Please read ALL of these guidelines carefully prior to submitting nominations.

Should a question arise that is not addressed in these guidelines, the GCLS Awards Administrators are appointed by the Board of Directors as the only people able to make a final ruling on an issue that arises during the awards process. Any such rulings made after the nomination period opens will become addendums to these guidelines and be published as such on the GCLS website.


  • The online book nomination process opens on September 1, 2024, and will take a tiered submission approach. See the Nominations Deadlines page for all nomination, submission, and payment deadlines.
  • Nominations will be posted to the GCLS website throughout the submission period. The full listing of all nominations will be posted to the GCLS website by the first week of February 2025.
  • A "shortlist" of finalists will be announced no later than the first week in May 2025.
  • Winners will be announced and their awards presented at the Golden Crown Literary Society's 21th Anual Awards Ceremony in Albany, New York on (dates TBD). The list of winners will be available on the website within 24 hours.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about meeting a deadline, please reach out to the Awards Administrators as soon as possible.


Click here to nominate a book
